Monday, March 31, 2008

I love Raw Food!!!!


Raw food is absolutely amazing. It gives you so much energy. It just struck me this weekend like a big surprise. The energy was incredible. I just kept going and going with out stopping. On Saturday my sister and I went to an arboretum. They had a big plant sale! I bought tons of tomato plants for only $1 each!! And they were big too! I had started some plants by seed and they are only about 2 inches high now so I need some big ones to start the season with.
On Sunday my sweetie made me some planter boxes (square foot gardening method) and I planted tomatoes for myself and for my Dad. He was so happy after we were finished planting his box with marigolds and tomato plants.

I have been experiencing some detox symptoms lately. I have been very cold all the time. I brought a heating pad to work to keep warm. Last week I was very tired. I'm still cold, but no longer tired. Even my 9 year old has been experiencing some detox symptoms. She has been eating about 60% raw lately. She has some red bumps on her face. Oh is she upset about it. I told her that it's better to get it all out now than have breakouts when you're a teenager.

She has been helping me out so much lately. We planted all day yesterday and she was right there beside me helping me out. And every time I 'uncook' anything, she is there and she makes comments as if she is on a cooking show. She pretends to be the chef and I am the assistant. She wants to start a you tube series about our tips and recipes for going raw living. I told her that as soon as we get a camera for our laptop we will start doing it.

Hopefully I can be more faithful to my blog and post something daily. Even though I don't think very many people read it yet : (
I have no idea how to publicize it.

Well bye for now. I will try to add more raw links today if I get time. I'm back at the rat race working for the man. I do not like corporate jobs. I want to be free and enjoy what I do. I just have to figure out a way to do that.

Be Raw!!!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Juice Feaster Failure

Well, I failed. I wasn't able to keep up my juice feast. On Saturday, when I had the family get together at my house, I caved in. Four days on a juice feast though is not too bad. Next time, I will be able to go longer. For now, I am trying to stick to juicing and smoothie'ing during the day and eating raw food at night. I didn't have time to make my green juice for lunch today so I brought some yummy raw cheezy collard wraps. There is this awesome video of the cutest little girl and her mommy making these wraps.
Here's the link:

I did make some great grapefruit/orange juice for breakfast. It's my sweetie's turn to cook dinner for the family tonight so I will have time to make a quart of green juice!!

Juicing is very hard work. Especially when you have a family that eats cooked food and you work a full time job. Not to mention that it can be very expensive and takes a toll on your bank account. I will do it though...eventually. For now I am going to try my best to stay 100% raw and get back to exercising.

I test software for a living and let me tell's the most unrewarding and boring job ever. I do not like the corporate world. Eventually I hope to open up a small shop selling health food items and supplements and 'uncooking' up some raw food goodies. I really love Arnold's place. It's great. Hopefully one day I run a place like that in my area.

Here's Arnold's website:

He has some great videos on You Tube as well. His user name is ArnoldsWay.

Well....I guess I get some work done.

Be Raw!!!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Day 3 of Juice Feasting

Well last night I really messed up. Every Wednesday is co-op day. I pick up fresh organic produce from the co-op during lunch and when I come home from work I spend most of the evening washing and bagging up produce in addition to cooking for my family who does not eat 100% raw and making my juice. So I was swamped with things to do and tired. I had a glass of wine. Then I had another glass of wine. This morning I woke up with the worst hangover. Before being raw I could pull off a few glasses of wine with no after effects. While eating raw, I got a slight headache. But while juicing, it felt like someone had stabbed my head and left the knife in there.
I will not be doing that again. I've been drinking a lot of water today to try and flush my system.

Today, I feel very antsy and full of energy. I also noticed that my personality is changing a bit. I am more outgoing than usual. And when I talk, I am speaking way too loud lately. What is the matter with me? I feel like an old person whose hearing is going.
The biggest change that I've noticed with juice feasting is that I am very cold. Today at work, I have 4 layers on. I am freezing. I think my body temperature is dropping.

Also, I haven't weighed myself lately, but my clothes are getting baggier. My eyes are looking less puffy too. That's a good thing.

My immediate family all lives nearby...Mom, Dad, siblings.....and this weekend we are all getting together at my house to have a get-together with relatives from out of town. What's on the menu? Well everyone wants the SAD diet. You know.....grilled hamburgers, hot dogs (yuck!!) melted cheese and chips....etc.

I am trying to figure out how I am going to pull this one off without letting my family know that I am not going to partake of the food. I don't want to be teased all day long. My dad is a teaser and he will be beside himself if he found out that I have had nothing to eat all week long and have just been drinking juice.

I think I may make a plate and do what little kids to when they want their parents to think they have eaten their vegetables.....I will be equipped with lots of napkins!!! : )

I'm glad to be juicing. It's hard enough trying to eat just raw in social situations, but now I am juicing and that's even harder. I will survive though.

Be Raw!!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Day 2 of Juice Feasting

This is my very first post!! I've never blogged before. "Blog" is such a funny word.

Today is the second day of my juice feasting!! I started eating about 90% raw last month. I have so much to learn! As soon as I got my tax return, I bought a dehydrator, a better juicer, and a vitamix. I have been researching recipes and trying out a lot of new things. My favorite website to find recipes is

I am doing this juice feast to get rid of toxins in my body.

Plus summer is coming soon and I want to be in shape!!! I have never done a juice feast before and I am taking it day by day. My goal is to end my juice feast on June 7th. I know, I's a big goal since it's my first time. But I can be stubborn and I will stick to something just for the sake of doing it.

I have been reading so many wonderful blogs out there. You guys are all great. I was hesitant to start this blog. I'm not sure how it will turn out. I hope to get some time to make it look colorful and nice.

I have decided to post information that I come across during my search for raw life information. And I will also let you know what comes up during my journey; all the trials and tribulations and the joys and transformations.

Be Raw!!!